Career Direct for Organizations

Give clarity to those you lead with the career assessment that identifies calling

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  • Learn how Career Direct will help you meet goals
  • See what makes Career Direct different
  • Understand how the system will adapt to fit you
  • Discover the products and packages offered
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What is Career Direct?

Career Direct is the only assessment tool that approaches career guidance from a biblical perspective while focusing on four key dimensions of a person’s design: Personality - Interests - Skills - Values. 

A statistically-valid assessment, Career Direct enables you to have a powerful tool to impact your career guidance program.

Career Direct is a division of the non-profit organization Crown Financial Ministries

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Why Career Direct is Different

Biblically Based 

Career Direct is the only comprehensive, long standing, statistically-certified assessment in the market, aligning results in four areas of personal design with scripture.


Career Direct fits perfectly to your financial and organizational needs. Build your own flexible package with Basic and Detailed Reports. 

Values Aligned

The Career Direct assessment reaches the hearts of your individuals and empowers them to discern their specific and unique calling from God.

Explore Your Options

Select the results that are right for your organization. Survey your options by selecting one of the icons below. 

The Basic Report gives introductory insight into an individual's design. These results will help the reader understand more about their personality, interests, skills and values and how they relate to the career field.  

The Detailed Report paints the complete picture. The results will equip the reader to understand their strengths/weaknesses, critical life issues, personality, interests, skills and values, and help increase self-awareness as important career and study path decisions are made.

250,000 stories and counting!

“I really enjoyed the Career Direct program. It’s exciting to find out more about myself and to be able to focus on a specific career.” - Michael M.

“This analysis helped me to further understand my personal skills and talents. I have always been taught that God fulfills the desires of the heart. God gave me these particular skills in order for me to use them in my profession and in my life.” - E. Fagin, Freshman

“After seeing the results of the Career Direct Assessment, I was shocked. I felt as if someone had truly read my mind and heart.” - Donna S., R.N.

“Career Direct is the result of a combined ten years of extensive research and development, with testing of more than 120,000 people to produce this extraordinary product. This four-part assessment provides a thorough and clear picture of an individual’s talents and interests for work. Most importantly, these materials provide a solid foundation for career planning.” - Dr. Ron Braund, President, AlphaCare, Professional Counseling Group

"This is one of the rare career planning or testing services that takes into account the believer's responsibility to and reliance upon God. Although you can get other assessment instruments to use on your own fairly inexpensively, Career Direct’s in-depth analysis and Christian perspective is worth the extra cost." - Cathy Duffy, Reviewer, Christian Home Educators' Curriculum Manual: Junior/Senior High

"Coming into college as a freshman, I did not have a clue as to what I wanted my major to be. I had many interests but knew I could not pursue all of them at once. Career Direct affirmed my strengths and interests while helping me understand myself better by showing my weaker areas. I could narrow down the broad interests I had into what most inspired me. Career Direct was a very positive, helpful experience." - Amanda L., Junior, Belhaven College, Mississippi